This story is incredible! It’s both humorous and insightful. You've wonderfully captured the essence of making that journey from a clueless teenager to experiencing more clarity and valuable lessons in life.

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Thank you. 🙏

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Your honor I have the lightning but cannot hold it. It sounds like my idea of a valuable use of free time. I would be honored to join your ranks, but I haven't strained myself to total exhaustion (yet). I don't search for the community, because what can be found can be real, and I have a lot of myself. I would be so grateful to meditate with serious students.

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The best part of sesshin is sleeping not sleeping. But I love sitting. I was at page street city center in the early 70s. The little Berkeley Zendo until recently.

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How nice! You must've encountered Ed a bit over the years. I briefly visited Green Gulch when I lived in Santa Cruz and popped into SF Area. You were there during the Baker Roshi years.

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More karmic connection between you and me, brother: I've sat sesshin at ZMM.🧘🏻‍♂️

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Oh wow. Small world! When was that? The jewel net of Indra at work again.

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That was great! Loved the remarks you made to the teacher! And love their repkies! Great storytelling!

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